Jeff Wilson
I am a disabled veteran of the U.S. Army, serving 14 years in total. My military service allowed me the opportunity to live and travel all over the world, discovering the rich cultures of those counties. My favorite part of traveling is always getting to know the people living in these diverse cultures. I enjoy learning the history of their temples to their town squares; exploring the way in which people celebrate their lives in architecture.
My interest in art started in my childhood where my doodles lead me to art classes. I studied art until I left for the military at age 18. In the U.S. Army I could not pursue my art, so I left it behind. It took me 26 years to return. It was only after I was medically evacuated from Iraq and became disabled that I could return to pursuing art in a meaningful way. I started taking classes again exploring photography and painting. For me, exercising my creative mind after all these years was one of the most powerful forms of therapy, allowing me to quiet my mind for the first time since leaving the U.S. Army. The work pulled me out of my fear and depression forcing me to leave my house and engage with the world around me again.
I shoot in film as well as digital for my photography using a vintage 1943 Rolleiflex Camera with 12mm film, a Cannon EOS 5D Mark II and a Nikon D5100. I scan my film negatives print digitally, as well as develop and print from my own dark room. I also work in oils on canvas and charcoals for illustrations. For me the work is about capturing a moment to show the world my unique perspective.
Jeff Wilson

I adore the process of shooting on film with my trusty Rolleiflex. I stick to shooting B&W because I am a sucker for the retro feel. From capturing the image to developing the film and finally creating prints by hand is a process that I cherish.

Digital photography offers a freedom to explore light, depth of field, and capturing that unexpected fleeting moment.

Creative Arts
I enjoy oil painting and drawing with charcoal, pen, and pencil.

Graphic Design
I studied graphic design at San Jose State University and thoroughly delight in all that this entails.
Rat Rod
I took this at the 2017 Hollister Car show with my antique Rolleiflex medium format film camera. I have an affinity for rat rods and this image shows why.

End Of the El.
This oil on canvas painting captures the soul of Downtown Chicago at the end of the Elevated Train Line.

Opening soon
I will soon offer a small online store

My website is still under construction. More works are being added and information is being added.
Thank you for your interest in my work. If you would like to contact me please do so.